US Election Fraud

Romney’s ties with voting machines makers raise alarms

October 22, 2012,

Producers and investors of voting machines that have previously shown susceptibility to fraud in Ohio have been found to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Romney campaign, raising concern about a dangerous bias in a major swing state.

Directors at Hart Intercivic, a national provider of voting systems, were found donating vast amounts of money to the Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Some of the company’s major investors are also big-time donors to the GOP campaign. Voters may feel uneasy because the voting machines produced by Hart Intercivic were found to be prone to corruption, according to an article written by Forbes contributor Rick Ungar.

A 2007 test by the Ohio secretary of state found that five electronic voting systems that were to be used in the 2008 election were vulnerable to fraud. These machines, produced by Hart Intercivic and employed throughout Hamilton County, were susceptible to malignant software and having their locks picked. A study testing the security of the machines found that hand-held devices were able to plug false vote counts into the machines.

Two members of Hart Intercivic’s board of directors, Neil Tuch and Jeff Bohl, have donated to the “Romney for President” campaign. Bohl gave the Republican nominee a total of $4,000. He also gave $250 to Barack Obama, perhaps after realizing the mistake he made, working for a company in which non-partisanship is important.

Additionally, one of Hart Intercivic’s main investors is HIG Capital, a multi-billion dollar investment fund with employees who are some of Romney’s wealthiest supporters. At least two of the five seats on the board of directors belong to HIG Capital. The investment fund’s founder Tony Tamer, along with three other HIG directors, are some of Romney’s most significant donors.

Douglas Berman and Brian Schwartz, two of those directors, were at Romney’s fundraiser in Boca Raton, Florida, on May 17. The cost of attendance was $50,000 per head. Overall, HIG is the Romney campaign’s 11th-largest contributor.

To make the association even more distinct, one of HIG’s investors is Solamere Capital, which was founded by Romney’s son, Tagg, and his campaign finance chair, Spencer Zwick. Many of Romney’s family members, including himself and his wife, have invested in the Solamere Capital.

No Republican candidate has ever won the presidency without winning the state of Ohio. With a state carrying so much weight in the election turnout, any potential bias among those who produce the voting machines could sound alarm bells, especially if the machines have previously showed signs of failure.

Hamilton County, where the machines will be used during the 2012 election, includes Cincinnati and is the third most-populous county in Ohio. It has a population of more than 800,000. Source

Vote rigging in machines

Rep. Tom Feeney (Fmr. Speaker of The House in Florida) employed this man from Oviedo, FL to rig elections and flip them 51% to 49%. Exit polling data was proven to be significantly different than the published results. Rep. Feeney was also the lobbyist for Yang Enterprises, the company who delivered the program.

Check for more!

Rigged Voting Machines!!!

Princeton University demonstration of a hacked Diebold electronic voting machine found on Princeton’s website.




Seems to me any voting machine can be hacked one way or the other.

They are just computers, run by computer programs. Nothing more nothing less. Voting machines cannot be trusted to give accurate results.

Programs can be created to do just about anything you wish.

Election fraud storm-clouds loom over US presidential race

Oct 21, 2012

By Kevin Barrett

If the Republicans steal another presidential election, this time from the first African-American president, and award it to a career criminal responsible for flooding America’s black neighborhoods with crack cocaine… America might experience a wave of protests that would make the aftermaths of the Martin Luther King assassination… look like a picnic in the park.”

Will Mitt Romney try to steal the US presidential election?
And if he does, will Americans — especially African-Americans — take to the streets?

These are the two key questions of the 2012 election season. Yet the mainstream media, owned by the same interests behind the “black-box” voting machines that manufacture election outcomes, won’t touch the issue.

Despite the thunderous silence of the media, all signs are pointing towards another neocon-Republican election theft attempt, like the successful ones of 2000 and 2004.

One warning sign: The appearance of blatantly fraudulent public opinion polls giving Romney a substantial lead over Obama. While all other polls show that Obama has enough of an edge in the swing states to constitute an electoral-college “firewall,” Gallup’s national polls — using a “likely voter” model that apparently posits an inverse correlation between voting and skin pigmentation — currently give Romney an edge of more than five points in the popular vote.

Why would the Republicans falsify a prominent national poll? To give Romney “momentum,” and create the illusion of plausibility when rigged voting machines hand him a “surprise victory.”

But why just one poll? Because it’s doable. Rigging ALL the polls is a herculean task, even for a party backed by the world’s biggest crime syndicate.

Is there any evidence that Romney will try to steal the swing states he needs to capture the White House? Unfortunately, yes.

Believe it or not, Romney actually OWNS the black-box voting machines that will fabricate — not count — the votes in Ohio, the most important swing state. (“Black box” machines are designed with no transparent link between the votes that go in, and the “results” that come out.)
As my recent radio guest Bob Fitrakis and two co-authors explain in their article Does the Romney Family Now Own Your e-Vote?

Will you cast your vote this fall on a faulty electronic machine that’s partly owned by the Romney Family? Will that machine decide whether Romney will then inherit the White House?

Through a closely held equity fund called Solamere, Mitt Romney and his wife, son and brother are major investors in an investment firm called H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. in turn holds a majority share and three out of five board members in Hart Intercivic, a company that owns the notoriously faulty electronic voting machines that will count the ballots in swing state Ohio November 7. Hart machines will also be used elsewhere in the United States.

In other words, a candidate for the presidency of the United States, and his brother, wife and son, have a straight-line financial interest in the voting machines that could decide this fall’s election. These machines cannot be monitored by the public. But they will help decide who “owns” the White House.

They are especially crucial in Ohio, without which no Republican candidate has ever won the White House. In 2004, in the dead of election night, an electronic swing of more than 300,000 votes switched Ohio from the John Kerry column to George W. Bush, giving him a second term. A virtual statistical impossibility, the 6-plus% shift occurred between 12:20 and 2am election night as votes were being tallied by a GOP-controlled information technology firm on servers in a basement in Chattanooga, Tennessee… (Read the complete article here.)

And it gets worse. Karl Rove and the Republican election fraud machine not only stole the 2004 elections, they murdered the computer expert who orchestrated the theft, Mike Connell, shortly before he was scheduled to testify in court against Rove.

Since the appearance of black box voting machines, a massive five-point gap has opened up between actual vote counts, as documented by exit polls, and the “official results” manufactured by the machines. In every single case, the five-point edge favors the Republicans. This should not be surprising, since the voting machines (like the votes they fabricate) are manufactured by Republicans.

Last summer, here in Wisconsin, the exit polls showed that Republican Governor Scott Walker did not win his recall election. But the black-box machines gave him the obligatory five-point Republican edge.

Former President Jimmy Carter says that American elections, unlike elections in banana republics, are so hopelessly corrupt that they are not even worth monitoring. Carter should know; he was overthrown in an “October Surprise” coup d’état by the Bush Crime Family in 1980, as revealed by former Bush Administration official Barbara Honegger.

Since the Republicans blatantly and shamelessly stole the presidential elections in 2000 and 2004, why did they refrain from stealing the 2008 elections? Perhaps Obama’s margin of victory was simply too wide for a “surprise McCain win” to be even remotely plausible. And perhaps they actually didn’t mind allowing Obama, a timid, compromising Democrat, to put anti-Bush-war Americans back to sleep for a few years.

There is one more factor that may have prevented an election theft in 2008, and might complicate one in 2012: The fear that Obama supporters in general, and black people in particular, might engage in widespread, unruly protests that would draw unwanted attention to the Republican election fraud machine.

As my Truth Jihad Radio guest John Hankey put it, African-Americans, unlike white liberals, are not “a bunch of pussies.” Kill white liberal heroes JFK and RFK, or steal the presidency from white liberals Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, or John Kerry, and the white liberals are too terrified to even whimper. Kill a black hero like Martin Luther King, or even just beat up an ordinary black guy like Rodney King, and African-Americans might just get angry enough to protest in a fashion that cannot be ignored.

If Romney steals the election, and African-Americans pour into the streets, they will be joined, at least in some areas, by angry whites, hispanics, and others.

After Rodney King was brutally beaten on-camera by police, I participated in the huge protests that shut down San Francisco’s Financial District. And I wasn’t the only white guy out there. All kinds of people — white, black, latino, male, female — took to the streets to make the owners of the Financial District take a multi-million-dollar hit, driving home the message that we weren’t going to stand for this kind of racist outrage.

If the Republicans steal another presidential election, this time from the first African-American president, and award it to a career criminal responsible for flooding America’s black neighborhoods with crack cocaine — an empty-suit android who perfectly embodies every negative stereotype about rich white guys, and then some — America might experience a wave of protests that would make the aftermaths of the Martin Luther King assassination, and the Rodney King beating, look like a picnic in the park. Source

Electronic voting systems for electorates have been in use since the 1960s when punched card systems debuted. Their first widespread use was in the USA where 7 counties switched to this method for the 1964 presidential election.

Here is a bit of history and a bit about the Voting machines and their problems. There are a few different types also covered.

Remember any machine can be tampered with.

Shouldn’t all Candidates be at All the debates?

There are more then two parties to vote for in the US. I guess this is just another way to suppress voters. This is what I call hiding the Other Presidential choices, from the people of the US.

Just another form of manipulation, against the people.

Police arrest US presidential candidate Jill Stein at debate site

Oct. 17, 2012

Police arrested Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate, Cheri Honkala, after they tried to enter the site of tonight’s presidential debate at Hofstra University.

The two were protesting against the exclusion of all but the two major political parties from taking part in the debate.

“Jill Stein, Cheri Honkala arrested, call tonight’s #debate a “mockumentary”,” said a tweet posted on her account.

The presidential candidate and her vice-presidential nominee were arrested by local police when they tried to enter the grounds of Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, Stein’s campaign website says. The women were later released from police custody.

A video posted on YouTube shows police officers ushering Stein and Honkala away after they apparently tried to stage a sit-in.

The arrest comes after an announcement by the Green Party that the candidates will take “Occupy the Commission on Presidential Debates” action on the night of the debate.

“Stein and Honkala will walk from Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum at 2 PM to the debate perimeter at Hofstra, where they will then attempt to walk through security checkpoints and reach the debate hall,” read the release.

“This is a great day for democracy,” Stein told The Philadelphia Weekly by phone as she headed to the debate site. “It’s a great day for the politics of courage.”

The candidates claim that the Commission on Presidential Debates is an unfair entity formed by Democratic and Republican leaders designed to exclude any opposition.

Jill Stein is the Green Party’s nominee for President of the United States in the 2012 election. A Harvard-educated physician, she also stood for election for Governor of Massachusetts in both 2002 and 2010. A staple of her campaign is the “Green New Deal,” a plan to recharge the US by giving “every American willing and able to work” a job on renewable energy projects in the country. She is backed by American leftist icon Noam Chomsky and acclaimed journalist and harsh critic of unregulated capitalism Chris Hedges. Source

All Presidential Candidates should be present for all debates, so the American people know they have other choices.

Not allowing them to be present, is not Democracy in action. All Candidates should be given a voice at all debates. No exclusions.

The American people should be angry, with this type of exclusion.

When other Candidates, are not allowed to speak this hurts all Americans. It also shows the manipulation during election debates.


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One Comment

  1. American voters have known for almost 20 years that our elections are a farce, and we, the voters, seem to have accepted that. What can we, as individuals, do? I don’t know. I’ve written blogs on it (see my latest if you like), given talks on it, and I come to the conclusion that for the most part, we just don’t care. It’s terribly disheartening.

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