Gaza (3): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

wounded-palistinian-hospital-gaza-reutersA wounded Palestinian is carried into a hospital in Gaza. Photo: Reuters

wonded-girl-shifia-hopital-ap1A Palestinian carries a wounded girl  to Shifa hospital in Gaza City. Photo: AP

wonded-child-shifia-hopital-ap1Palestinians carry a wounded boy to Shifa hospital in Gaza City. Photo: AP

wonded-child-plistinian-child-apA Palestinian child wounded in the Israeli strikes on Gaza. Photo: AP

woman-ouside-of-shifa-hospital-apWoman outside of Shifa Hospital Photo: AP

transfer-of-palistinian-to-egypt-reutersPalestinian man transferred to Egypt Photo: Reuters

smoke-billows-from-gaza-stip-afpSmoke Billows from Gaza Strip Photo: AFP

palistinian-man-shifia-hopital-apPalestinian Man – Shifa Hospital Photo: AP

out-skirt-of-gaza-city-apBillowing Smoke  from outskirts of Gaza City Photo: AP

mdics-carry-man-into-shfa-hospital-apMedics Carry Man in to Shifa Hospital Gaza Photo : AP

israelie-air-strike-gaza-city-afpAir Strike Gaza City Photo: AFP

israel-destroyed-print-shop-gaza-city-apDestroyed Print Shop Gaza  Photo: AP

explosion-israeli-stike-gaza-reutersExplosion Gaza Photo: Reuters

child-carried-to-hospital-in-gazaA child carried into hospital Gaza City Photo: AFP

destoyed-building-gaza-stip-apDestroyed Building in Gaza Photo: AP

13-bodies-from-same-family-following-israeli-stike-afpThe Bodies of 13 Family members Photo: AFP


fbambino14Children Wounded – Photo: Watan News Agency

A wounded Palestinian boy is carried by his father at a hospital in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike




ba-gaza_0499597173A missile fired by Israeli warplanes explodes in the northern Gaza Strip Saturday. Photo: Tsafrir Abayov / AP

Medics wheel an Israeli man wounded by a rocket launched ... (Haim Horenstein / AFP/Getty Images)
Medics wheel an Israeli man wounded by a rocket launched from the Gaza Strip Saturday to a hospital.

The presidential building in Gaza City was destroyed by a... (Abid Katib / Getty Images)
The presidential building in Gaza City was destroyed by an Israeli air strike Saturday.

A wounded boy is carried into the Shifa hospital in Gaza ... (Abid Katib / Getty Images)

A wounded boy is carried into the Shifa hospital in Gaza City on Saturday. Photo: Abid Katib / Getty Images

ba-gaza_0499597175An injured Palestinian is helped from the rubble following an Israeli missile strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Saturday. Photo: Hatem Omar / AP)

Gaza (6) A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Gaza (5): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Gaza (4): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Gaza (2): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Gaza (1): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Israel killing their own by Using Deadly Weapons of Mass Destuction again Gaza

Links to other Gaza stories in the January Index

January 2009 Index

Published in: on January 8, 2009 at 2:59 am  Comments Off on Gaza (3): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words  
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