January 2009 Index

Interview: Adam Shapiro, co-founder of the ISM/UN Reports Gaza/ US Aid to Israel

Spain: Judicial probe looks at 2002 Gaza War Crimes Claims

Letting AP in on the Secret: Israeli Strip Searches are Torture

Why Americans get a distorted View of the Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

Gaza detainee treatment ‘inhuman’

Israeli troops fire warning shots at European diplomats

Israel Broke Ceasefire From Day One

Enough evidence to prosecute Rumsfeld for war crimes/UK ‘must release’ Iraq war files

Bolivia Limits Size of Estates in Land Reform Struggle

Illegal Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank increased sharply in 2008

Aid Workers Protest Restricted Access to Gaza

Israeli aircraft strike Gaza Tunnels-Residents Again

Army rabbi ‘gave out hate leaflet to troops’,Israel: ’We Could Destroy All European Capitals’

Public gives £600,000 to Gaza appeal before broadcasts are aired/Information, If you want to Donate

Information Wanted by the International Criminal Court/ UN: Falk Likens Gaza to Warsaw Ghetto

Obama Revokes Bush Executive Order on Presidential Archives

Israel Accused of Executing Parents in Front of Children

Bombs found under US embassy in Philippines

Gaza Report: Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières

Zimbabwe’s cholera epidemic could top 60,000 cases

Canada signs Nuclear deal with India

White Phosphorus Victims in Gaza

Israeli aircraft strike Gaza Tunnels-Residents Again

Israel warns soldiers of prosecution abroad for Gaza ‘war crimes’/Israels Latin America “Trail of Terror”

Obama shuts network of CIA ‘ghost prisons’

UN: Israel should pay for Humanitarian Aid they Destoyed/Israeli gunboat hits Father and Daughter on shore

Haiti: War Crimes and Oil

Israel ‘admits’ using white phosphorus munitions

Gordon Brown backs move to block full publication of MPs’ expenses

Father: ‘I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls’

“Exterminate all the Brutes”: Gaza 2009

Jan 19: Throw a shoe, sing for peace: Protesters gather in D.C.

900 people killed in Philippines by ‘mysterious death squads’

Outcry over weapons used in Gaza

Banks begging for Bailouts Again Third times is a charm

Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the US and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War?

The State of Israel: Since its Creation

Outrage as Israel bombs UN and Hospital

200,000 War Veterans homeless in US

700 Israelis arrested for protesting against war

Israel Navy ships turn back “Spirit of Humanity” carrying Gaza humanitarian aid

A group barricades itself in Turkish ruling party office to protest Gaza

President of the United Nations General Assembly: Israel violating International Law

Israel Hits another “United Nations” Building in Gaza

Shoot Then Ask, Israeli Soldiers Told

Gaza (6) A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Gaza (5): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

WordPress: My site is messed up

Ship with Medical Aid supplies for Gaza Needs “Your” Help.

Israel Violating Egyptian Airspace to attack Gaza

Israel continues to attack Hospitals, Clinics and Public Buildings in Gaza

UK firm blasted for arming Israeli military

Embargo against Israel: Spreading Willingness in the Middle East

Israeli settlers apply for Canadian Visas

Samouni family recounts Gaza horror

US delivering more “Weapons of Mass Destruction” to Israel

79 % of the time: Israel caused conflicts not Hamas

Gaza Reports from: Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières

Norway provides aid to Gaza

Reports from: “Save the Children Canada” Charity in Gaza

US Senate Endorses Israel’s War on Gaza

Jewish Voices Against the Israeli Attacks

Gaza War Why?: Natural Gas valued at over $4 billion MAYBE?

War in Gaza: Israel accused of killing 30 after shelling safe house

Gaza (4): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Israel killing their own by Using Deadly Weapons of Mass Destuction against Gaza

Israel kills UN driver causing halt to UN Relief Aid in Gaza

Red Cross slams Israel over 4 day wait to access wounded

The making of Israel’s Apartheid in Palestine

Bombs rain down in Gaza as peace deal accepted ‘in principle’

Jan 7: Lebanese children demonstrate for Gaza Children

Jan 7 : India- Protest in New Delhi over Israel raids

Jan 7: Israel’s Gaza invasion provokes protests throughout Latin America

Jan 7: Australian Jews protest against Israel’s action

Jan 7: Canadian Jewish women protesting against Gaza War, Arrested after occupying the Israeli Consulate

Gaza (3): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Egypt floats truce plan after 42 killed in Gaza School and Bars Doctors from Gaza

Gaza (2): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Israel strike kills up to 60 members of one family

Gaza (1): A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus Shells/Targets UN School

Gaza hospital overwhelmed by dead and wounded

An Open Letter From Jewish Youth in Canada – Support of Gaza

Foreign Press still banned from Gaza/Israel attacks Media Building in Gaza City

Gaza wounded die waiting for ambulances

War on Gaza – Timeline: June 19 2008 to January 3 2009

Gaza: Al-Wafa Hospital received warning they would be shelled

Israel pounds Gaza strip, vows to continue attacks

Will the global economic crisis save or kill NAFTA?

Sunday Jan 4 Reports: Protests in Canada against Attack in Gaza

Sunday Jan 4 Reports: US protests against Attack in Gaza

Sunday Jan 4 Reports: Protests around the World Against Gaza assault

Israeli tanks, soldiers invade Gaza Strip

Lucky few leave Gaza, Israel planned attacks six months ago

Saturday Jan 3 Reports:US protests against Israels attacks on Gaza

SaturdayJan 3 Reports: Canadian Protesters march in support of Palestinians

Saturday Reports on: Demonstrations Against Israels attacks on Gaza, January 3, 2009

YES HE DID is not YES WE CAN: Kibaki Signs Retrogressive Media Bill

National Demonstration: London UK Saturday 3 January

Toronto: January 3, demonstrating against Israeli assault In Gaza

Friday Jan 2 Reports: Muslims around the world protest Gaza assault

Pro-Gaza protest, march set for Saturday Jan 3, in St. Petersburg


If Hamas Did Not Exist

Actions we can take to help Palestinians in Gaza

Indexed List of all Stories in Archives

Published on January 3, 2009 at 6:58 pm  Leave a Comment  

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