The Horrific Destruction of Gaza

The leaders of the world allowed this to happen.

Jul 21, 2014

Live! Bombing and Destruction in Gaza as Israel Launches Ground Invasion 2014

Jul 22, 2014

Jul 26, 2014

After weeks of war that has now reportedly claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Palestinians and at least 42 Israelis, Israel and Hamas observed a 12-hour cease-fire on Saturday. Refugees from the Israeli offensive in Gaza returned to their homes to find some neighborhoods destroyed. Nicholas Casey of the Wall Street Journal calls in to NewsHour Weekend from the ground in Gaza City.

Jul 26, 2014

David Blair reports from northern Gaza where Palestinians return to collect what posessions they can find amongst the rubble, as the humanitarian ceasefire offers a moment of relief

Jul 27, 2014

When Israel and Hamas agreed a 12-hour humanitarian truce on Saturday, people displaced by the Israeli onslaught returned to Shejaia village.

Destruction in Ash Shuja’iyeh, Gaza, 26 July 2014

Jul 28, 2014

Raw footage of destruction in Ash Shuja’iyeh area of Gaza City, taken by OCHA field workers during a humanitarian ceasefire, 26 July 2014, in the context of the 2014 Gaza crisis

. For more information see

Jul 30, 2014

Gaza neighbourhood flattened by Israeli bombardment in a single hour | FULL VIDEO As Israel’s Operation Protective Edge stretches into the third week of fighting, the scale of the destruction in Gaza is made clear by video purporting to show a neighbourhood in the Palestinian territory pounded by heavy bombardment. The clip was compiled from a live television broadcast , showing dozens of houses and apartment buildings turned to rubble within an hour. It’s not immediately clear what part of the Gaza Strip is depicted in the clip.

Aug 5, 2014

Aerial and panoramic views of devastation in Gaza

By Ali Abunimah


Aug 29, 2014

The video above, published by the Gaza-based video production company MediaTown, shows an aerial view of the devastated Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City.

On 20 July, the area was subjected to indiscriminate artillery bombardment by Israel that was so intense that it shocked even US military officers.

A total of 2,168 people were killed, 521 of them children, during Israel’s 51-day bombardment of the Gaza Strip that ended in a ceasefire agreement on 26 August.

Such images help us to understand the reality behind the shocking statistics about the physical destruction: 108,000 people have had their homes destroyed or severely damaged and will need permanent rehousing, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA).

As the ceasefire allows for more in-depth assessments “it is clear that the scale of damage is unprecedented, with approximately 13 percent of the housing stock affected,” UN OCHA says. “Five percent of the housing stock is uninhabitable – an estimated 18,000 housing units have been either destroyed or severely damaged.”

This on top of a shortage of 71,000 housing units before the Israeli attack.

Since there is no functioning airport in Gaza and Israel controls the skies, many people have wondered how the aerial video was taken.


The Gaza War Map,” photojournalist Lewis Whyld’s website giving 360-degree views of areas devastated in Israeli attacks.

The viewer can select and virtually stand in any of 20 sites in Gaza from Rafah in the south to Beit Hanoun in the north and see a 360-degree view of the destruction all around.

Short of being in Gaza it is an effective way to get a sense of the scale of devastation Israeli bombing has caused.

Right after you click on the link you will see the  flag, click on it right off, to see the pictures. There is also a bar to use so you can remove the wording in front of the pictures so you can see the destruction much more clearly.

You will be shocked at the devastation.

It is more like Total Annihilation.




They estimate it will take up to 20 years to rebuild Gaza and cost of at least $6 billion.

I think it will cost much more then that.

In the mean time what are those who lost their homes to do?

The UN will help and of course all the tax payers, from all the member countries will be footing the bill again.

Israel over the years because of their agenda have cost we the people a lot of money. I have no idea what the total would be But it is an extremely massive amount. I would guess a few trillion dollars.

Taking care of Refugees’ and continually having to rebuild what Israel has destroyed over the years costs a lot. Someone out there should do the math and see just how much Israel has cost in destruction and lives.

To make it simple just in Palestine and the refugee’s from there. Plus the close surrounding areas that land and wars have been on of course,

You know their next door neighbors.

Maybe the main stream media reporters could take a look.

OK I am aloud to have a small fantasy every now and then.


There must be a few “Real reporters” left in the world.

Maybe a few who saw the destruction first hand might be curious enough to find out. One can only hope.

To add up all the other destruction around the world would take years.

I think Israel should be forced to pay for the whole cost of housing and care of the now homeless plus the cost to rebuild everything. If they have to pay for their crimes, maybe they will think twice before doing it again. No more getting away with this type of devastation. They owe for ever single refugee they have created over the years and cost to help them as well. They owe for each and ever bit of property they have destroyed and stolen that belonged to the Palestinian’s and the UN. When you attack the UN you are attacking every member of the UN including all NATO countries. In my books NATO should have stepped up and stopped Israel’s attacks. Seems NATO only wants to wage wars, where their seems to be resources they might want.

Apparently if a NATO country is attacked they are suppose to do something to protect those fellow countries so by Israel attacking UN building they also attacked 28 NATO member countries. All 28 NATO countries are members of the UN. Right! Gaza if above the Tropic of Cancer, Right! Well, well seem NATO is really not doing their job as usual. Just a point of interest. So Israel is going to get away with attacking all 28 NATO countries are they?  If they allow that then NATO is useless to us all. That is my opinion anyway.

Better they do that then every be allowed any more weapons of mass destruction. Now if we could only get a weapons embargo.

The way I see it:

If Germany had to pay for damage done to the Jewish people,  then Israel should have to do the same. Israel has cost everyone. Palestinian’s, have suffered a massive amount in pain and suffering for years. Over 60 years of suffering.

The rest of the world is tired of Israeli aggression and footing the bill for their destruction.

Boycotting Israel is extremely important. We know, that no leader in the so called civilized world will ever impose Sanctions, which should have been done years ago. Even if the UN attempted such a thing the US would only veto it as usual. The US is what we call and enabler. The condone what Israel does. Americans really need to do something about that. The US government is suppose to work for US citizens, not Israel.

We can boycott anything and everything Israeli.

This has to stop now and forever.

Never Again.

MP Galloway was attacked in street over remarks about Israel. 

George is one of those brave enough, to speak out against what Israel is and has been doing for years.

The holocaust the attacker was talking about, had nothing to do with what is happening in Gaza.

The person who brutalized George was way out of line on every level.

Well millions, upon millions, if not billions, of us have been saying the same things for years.  Even Jewish organizations are speaking out against what Israel is doing.


The people of Gaza have been brutalized from the time the second world war ended however.

They had absolutely nothing to do with what happened to the Jewish people.

They are however the ones who have been punished for it. Every single day of their lives.

It is their land and homes that are destroyed or stolen. It is their people who have been displaced or killed. That has happened since day one of the Jews going into Palestine since WWII. Thanks to Britain and the United Nations.


Gaza is the new Holocaust, as seen in the video footage and panoramic view above.

Plus the history of horrors, they have had to endure.


For more information on Boycotts  Since the UN will never be allowed to Sanction this  we can do.

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, calls for a global boycott of Israel

Acknowledge the Gaza Genocide

Man from Newfoundland wants Prime Minister Charged for Advocating Genocide against The Palestinians!

The Truth about Gaza 2014


A little update on Israel and it’s anttics

Israel keeping Gaza siege despite deal: Official
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Israel plans to expropriate 400 hectares or 1,000 acres of West Bank in response to the June kidnapping and killing of 3 teens
August 31 2014

That is going to bring Peace to the area HOW?


Ukraine Crisis

Guy Parent finds badly wounded soldiers not getting disability cheques

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