Ottawa Canada: Parliament Hill Protest Feb 14, 2021

I will be adding more if I can find any. I might even venture to the Ottawa Citizen to see what they have to say. That can wait until latter of course. So there will be updates.

Getting ready for the rally In Ottawa February 14, 2021

Compliments of  Patrick King from Alberta

The Ottawa Citizen was there

Rebel News was there

The speeches start a bit in, be patient.

I see other folks from Alberta made it there too  Right on.

Patrick King from Alberta Had a powerful speech.

There are some things about your Rights and Freedoms as well. In other words Laws.  Canadian Bill of Rights is important. So is the Nuremberg Code. Use that if anyone comes near you with the experimental vaccines. You are not a Lab Rat/Guinea Pig. You have the right to say no. I do not want to be part of any experiment.

Parliament Hill Protest Feb 14, 2021

Compliments of  Jason LaFreniere

A couple 15 year olds trying to make the sheep understand what’s really going on! Got to love those kids.

Robin Benedict live in Ottawa

The Virus has not been Isolated. That is true. There is a link to a post about that one below. Deloris Cahill was a speaker at the rally. Thee is also a former Police officer speaking.from Police on Guard for thee This is one video if you can download it, do so it will vanish. Youtube will not like it. The Censorship thing, you know.

KEVIN J JOHNSTON Ottawa Rally Valentine’s Day

Parliament Hill anti-lockdown protest attracts small but vociferous crowd

From the Ottawa Citizen

“We’re celebrating our freedom amongst Canadians with our First Nations, our English and or French,” said Kelly Anne Wolfe, CEO of Freedom Forum Canada, which organized the event, “and we want to end the lockdown.

Freedom Forum Canada

On Wednesday January 6 20/20 Waterloo Police Department we’re served with evidence pertaining to crime committed against the Canadian citizens by the lieutenant governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell And premier of Ontario Doug Ford. Lets hope the Police listen. They all should be investigating all across Canada. Add Fraud and a few other assorted things to that. Like Crimes against Humanity.

Mothers Against Distancing You also might want to download that video as well. It too just might vanish.

Two Petitions

Petition to remove PM Justin Trudeau, his Liberal government end the lockdown

As of February 16, 2021 —- 98,127 have signed Lets make that a few million.

We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and call a Federal Election. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada further demand that Justin Trudeau step down as Prime Minister AND as Leader of the Federal Liberal Party. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada have lost confidence in him as Canada’s Prime Minister and we feel he no longer serves the best interests of Canadians. His reckless disregard to preserve, protect and endorse the citizens of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, along with his current negligent spending of over $300 billion of our tax dollars to drag our economy into a depression, as well as for following the wrong and disastrous protocols of a privately owned corporation called the World Health Organization. The bottom line is indisputable….We, the undersigned citizens of Canada are casting our votes of No Confidence vote against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his liberal party until a new Federal Election to replace him. We also demand all Premiers remove all Provincial Emergency Acts in full immediately and restore all Canadians their rights as explained in the Canadian Charter of Rights. No exceptions!!!

Please sign and share. Surely Canada can get more then 1 million signatures as well. Go to the link below to sign

A Petition to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: Lift the Lockdown!

WHEREAS the Lockdown imposed on Ontario by the Doug Ford Government is ineffective.

WHEREAS the Lockdown is having a catastrophic effect on the health, mental health, social and economic well-being of Ontarians.

WHEREAS the Government of Ontario must focus on protecting vulnerable populations in congregate living settings and Long Term Care homes.

WHEREAS it is imperative that Ontario’s healthcare services are fully restored immediately.

WHEREAS the Lockdown is causing a devastating toll on Ontario’s children.

WHEREAS Ontario’s children need to be back at school.

WE, the undersigned, petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows:

That the Government of Ontario immediately Lift the Lockdown!

Go to the link below to sign.

PCR Tests are Worthless. They are not to be used for testing for any virus. Read the entire post.

Thousands have been injured by the vaccines and at this point at least a thousand or more have died.

No one has isolated the virus, Not even China.

Liberty Coalition Canada:
End the Lockdowns Caucus formed by Representatives from across Canada

There are a lot of lawsuits from around the world. Some finished some pending.

Covid Lawsuits against Governments and others

Drosten has some explaining to do. It might be fun to see him sitting in front of the Judge.

External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.

The many Dangers of Lockdowns a must read

Corona Fake Pandemic: Italy Subjected to a Holy Inquisition of False Science

Message to BC Educators from a Concerned Parent a lot of Mask information there.

Experimenting on Babies as young as 6 months old-Wake up People

Metals, Micro- Nanocontamination found in Vaccines

The Department of Homeland Security issued on Wednesday a nationwide terror alert lasting until April 30, Insanity at it’s finest hour

Canada has become a complete insult to human dignity (your friends or relatives could just vanish)

Request for expedited federal investigation into Lockdown Fraud

WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce Massive COVID False Positives

Collateral Global

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